Because a safe and healthy work environment works. 

At BronBaboelal, we understand the significance of creating a safe and inclusive workplace. 

While it may seem unusual to have  experts in occupational health as confidential advisors, there is indeed a clear connection.

We noticed that when it comes to absenteeism, it often involves not only physical factors but also psychosocial work-related factors. As an organization, HR, managers, and colleagues, you have an influence on these factors and how they are addressed.

A positive psychosocial work environment and a healthy, safe workplace have an impact on reducing absenteeism. Everyone benefits from this. Unfortunately, this aspect is often overlooked in absenteeism strategies and the legally required risk inventory and evaluation (RI&E).

Our occupational confidential advisors provide advice based on their dual expertise, resulting in a more comprehensive and effective absenteeism strategy.

The social risk aspect of absenteeism is less controllable, but as an employer, you still bear the risk. How can you assist employees dealing with personal problems to prevent them from becoming absent from work?

Additionally, how can you ensure open and honest responses to employee satisfaction surveys? How anonymous are these surveys in the eyes of your employees?

Our confidentail advisors VPOO and VPI are members of the LVV (Association of Certified Confidential Advisers) and bound by professional secrecy. They serve as external specialists, independent of the organization, which helps lower barriers and leads to more honest outcomes. Our holistic approach contributes to a comprehensive absenteeism policy.

By addressing both physical and psychosocial factors, organizations create a healthier and more supportive work environment, ultimately reducing absenteeism and promoting employee well-being.

Notification procedure required by law

The Occupational Health and Safety Act (Arbowet) requires employers to protect their employees from psychosocial work-related stressors. This means that you need to establish and implement policies to address these issues. It is also mandatory for companies to have a reporting procedure in place, and appointing a confodential advisor is an important part of that. There is currently a legislative proposal under consideration to make the appointment of a trust person mandatory for every company with over 10 employees.

Many companies appoint an internal employee as a confidential advisor, but is that advisable? We believe it is not. Supporting victims of bullying, harassment, discrimination, racism, or whistleblowers is not something you can simply add to someone's existing workload. It requires full attention, knowledge, and expertise. This is not only in the best interest of the employee but also of colleagues and the organization as a whole, and even society at large.

Therefore, it is important to establish a clear and accessable reporting procedure and engage an external confidential advisor. Employees perceive that person as more impartial, trustworthy, and easily approachable. 

Our monthly subscription plans make it possible for every employer to have access to an external confidential advisor. We would be happy to assist you in this regard.
Curious about our subscriptions?

Would you like to know more about our external confidential advisers? Feel free to read our whitepaper with relevant information.

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